Fluid and debris invasion to the endoscope are a cause of a devastating damage to the endoscope, which is usually behind repair. The sooner you know about a possibility of fluid invasion to the endoscope, the smaller the damage will be. Hence Leak testing is a critical element in the prevention of the scope damage. Failure to perform a proper leakage test , and for an adequate length of time, will increase the chance of a fluid-related major scope damage.
We have gathered several tips to follow while performing a leakage test, which will make sure your scope is safe and will help prevent the possible damage of a fluid invasion:
- Perform the leakage testing on a regular basis: before usage and before every cleaning and disinfecting process of the endoscope.
- Do no inflate the leakage tester behind the green line. Hold the needle stable for at least 10 second. This will ensure the proper sealing of the scope – as no serious leakage can be hidden within this period of time.
- When performing a leakage test with a video scope – make sure you close the CONTROL UNIT CONNECTOR with the attached cap. Failure to close it with the cap will prevent you from performing the test.
- Remember to release the air from the leakage tester before disconnecting it from the endoscope.
- Connect and inflate the leakage tester BEFORE (!) inserting and soaking the scope in water. Make sure the leakage tester is inflated on the green zone during the whole soaking time. You can inflate it again during soaking if necessary – as long as there is air inside the scope, no water can invade the scope.
- Make sure the whole scope is soaked in water. Move the scope handle both ways and check for any bubbles in the water. If there is a leakage – bubbles will appear around the insertion tube and/or next to the endoscope body (next to the handle)
- Change the water regularly – after each test performing. Make sure you take all precautions needed according to the manufacturer and your local ministry of health protocols